Administrative Assistant


1. Check-Master / Master special class enrollment services.
2. Fully Master of Science / Master of special classes related businesses.
3. Accounting accounting treatment related businesses.
4. custody of property inventory related businesses.
5. Assistance Application Videos Case of NSC teachers, and closed funds verification.
6. handled within the Department of Teacher Award application with research funds to write off.
7. Teachers, teaching assistants appointment, evaluation and related personnel and business meeting enhance the level.
8. Master class students prepare related businesses.
9. Teaching Excellence Plan.
10. The inventory of office supplies and stationery and procurement.
11. servitor application and management (including day, night, and computer time workers).
12. AACSB certification related business (Master / Master special classes).
13. Siji handle two special matriculation recommended business.
14. Temporary related matters.



Administrative Assistant

1. Assist the Department of execution and forward the traffic.
2. transact business undergraduate admissions.
3. The overall management of the Department of the University related business.
4. The preparations of the meeting, the recording and finishing.
5. send and receive text and document file management.
6. courses (classes, arranging) related issues.
7. transfer, examination and credit transfer system (recognition) related businesses.
8. Employment Program of the Department of Professional Accounting and auditing process.
9. For international exchange students and exchange student related operations.
10. The Ministry of University Extension Center, Master Classes start with credit counseling teachers.
11. forward the business units of administrative support.
12. The work report.
13. Temporary related matters.


Teaching Assistants

1. Department of Counseling and Student Association on behalf of Council.
2. Department of Alumni and Friends of contact related businesses.
3. handled outside business travel activities.
4. Student registration and enrollment services.
5. Professional classrooms and teaching equipment to borrow, maintenance and management.
6. The publication, writing and production of promotional materials.
7. The production and distribution of all types of certificates.
8. Department website maintenance and management.
9. handling activities and international visitors.
10. The Department of Business on scholarships. (Outstanding, Tianxin, the Department of raw cold)
11. AACSB certification related businesses.
12. The student employment and internship counseling related matters (CPAs Campus Recruiting briefing session).
13. The school scholarship application and payment services.
14. Temporary related matters.


Teaching Assistants


1. practicum: Intermediate Accounting.
2. the procurement-related business.
3. The overall development grants related businesses.
4. The Department of Library Journal, keeping the books and software.
5. Library Loan Inquiry System of maintenance.
6. Teaching assessment and early warning systems related businesses.
7. Uniform Course outline Course meeting.
8. AACSB certification related services (teaching assessment).
9. Temporary related matters.

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